Do I need to identify my skin type and condition when using HANZZ+HEIDII products?


There are five basic types of healthy skin: normal, dry, oily, combination and sensitive skin

Skin type is determined by genetics.

What is your skin type?

The first four skin types are characterized by pore size and oil production:

1. Normal skin types get visible pores throughout the face and may get an oily shine in the center of the face mid-day/end of day. Normal skin is best defined as what it is not: neither oily nor dry, rarely sensitive and not particularly problematic.

2. Dry skin types have very fine, nearly invisible pores with no oily shine to the complexion. This thin, delicate skin is more prone to flaking, rough texture, and fine lines than others.

3. Combination skin types have either normal/oily or normal/dry characteristics. Their pore size may be visible through the t-zone and they may develop an oily shine through the center of the face.

4. Oily skin types have large pores that are visible throughout the face to the hairline. This thicker, more resilient skin typically develops an oily shine in the morning and/or shortly after cleansing. Oily skin happens when the sebaceous glands in the skin produce too much sebum. Sebum is the waxy, oily substance that protects and hydrates the skin. Sebum is vital for keeping the skin healthy. However, too much sebum can lead to oily skin, clogged pores, and acne.

The final two skin types can’t be determined by pure observation and require further investigation before categorizing someone as either one:

5. Sensitive skin is a skin condition that is easily irritated by different factors, that are generally tolerated by well-balanced skin, such as skincare products or high and low temperatures. For some people, sensitive skin is a permanent condition, for others, sensitivity is triggered by certain internal and external factors. It occurs when skin’s natural barrier function is compromised, causing water loss and allowing penetration of irritants. Symptoms are exacerbated by factors that facial skin is most exposed to, from the sun to some ingredients in skincare products.

6. Acne skin is a skin condition and not just reserved for those in their teen years. It is a super common skin condition affecting an estimated 9.4% of individuals globally; and despite popular belief, it fails to discriminate based on age range or skin type. It occurs when pores become impacted with sebum and dead skin cells plugging the pores, and causing clusters of pimples known as breakouts.

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Is HANZZ+HEIDII suitable for all skin types?
Are the HANZZ+HEIDII products suitable for sensitive skin?
Are the HANZZ+HEIDII products suitable for dry skin?
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For whom are the HANZZ+HEIDII products not suitable?
Zinzino Customer Service
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