Why is it important to have a normal Omega-6/ Omega-3 fatty acid balance?

Our Western diet contains a lot of Omega-6 fatty acids and relatively small amounts of marine Omega-3 fatty acids, which increases the imbalance between Omega-6 fatty acids and Omega-3 fatty acids in the body.

This imbalance is a hidden factor behind the development of many lifestyle-related health problems. Both Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids are precursors to hormone-like signalling molecules (eicosanoids) in the body. Eicosanoids produced from Omega-6 are pro-inflammatory.

Signalling molecules derived from Omega-3 fatty acids have a lower inflammatory potential, some are also anti-inflammatory. In many ways, the eicosanoids works together, and that is why it is important to have a good balance between them.

A normal Omega-6/Omega-3 fatty acid balance is fundamental to a good eicosanoid balance, while a high Omega-6/Omega-3 fatty acid balance leads to pro-inflammatory eicosanoid balance.

The Nordic Council of Ministers recommends that the Omega-6:3 fatty acid balance in the diet should be below 5:1.

The World Health Organization recommends an average value of 3.3:1 in the diet (earlier they had a fixed ratio of 4:1).
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